Therm-Tech is able to give the right answers for all the needs concerning design, offering all the experience gained over the years, in order to ensure an effective and concrete partnership in STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS problem solving, considering that today is much harder for the evolving new rules and legislative regulation.
Working-out for reinforced concrete, steel or wood frameworks, for their structural verification, in every cross section, design or shape and dimension.
In Industrial we have twenty-years experience, not only in framework but also in tanks, silos, elevators and machineries.
Therm-Tech normally works in designs in foreign countries; experience in technical legislation in Europe, United Kingdom, United States of America, South Africa, Venezuela, Brazil, China, Bahrain and Canada.
Large projects realized, like entire factories and/or plants for multinational company Imerys in China, Bahrain, Georgia US, South Africa and Germany. The active partnership with structural engineer Mauro Mezzetti and his staff, allowed Therm-Tech to face and solve every project calculation in different environments, from savannah to Northern Arctic, as from deserts sands to Canadian rocks.
Essential is the use of appropriate software like Mode St of Tecnisoft, Sap2000 of CSI, Prosap of 2si.